But many time what happen is that your battery goes dead, means your phone is off now. And you have a very important call to make or you are stuck some where and nobody to help you..
There is a solution to every thing in this hi-tech world. There is a solution to this problem also. You need is just a portable mobile device charger.

- Recharge anywhere, and any thing with a standard USB input and output.
- It comes with a interconnect able head charger means you can charge your mobile (nokia or sony or any other) or your music player.
- It is slim (100X62X15 mm) and very light weight (just 120 gms)
- Storage of 3400 mAH means you can rechare your device many times.
- 5V, 700mA output.
impressive and is very economical also that every one can buy and now you can rechare any where and recharge anything.
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