When you are surfing the internet you tend to do a lot of searching, via Google, yahoo, Bing or some other site to get useful information. When you are using IE 9 you can directly type the item to be searched in the address bar and the browser will search and provide you with some of the results from the default search provider on your browser. You can also add a new search provider beside changing or managing the option of searching.
Mange / Change the Search provider
1. Open your IE 9 browser and click on tool(ALT+X) & go to Manage Add-ons.
2. A window will pop up. Click on Search Provider.
3. It will show you all the search provider installed o your browser.
4. You can right click on any icon and click on Set it default to make the default search provider.
That it. you can mange all the options for the search providers on the browser
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Mange / Change the Search provider
1. Open your IE 9 browser and click on tool(ALT+X) & go to Manage Add-ons.
2. A window will pop up. Click on Search Provider.
3. It will show you all the search provider installed o your browser.
4. You can right click on any icon and click on Set it default to make the default search provider.
That it. you can mange all the options for the search providers on the browser
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